Valkyries Horn Mead Competition

Valkyries Horn Mead Competition 2021 is open and accepting registrations and entries until August 20th, 2021.

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Get Notifications about the competition by registering on the competition site.


The Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul is the Valhalla of Mead Making in America. This competition will determine who is worthy of Valhalla. Come join our horde.

Stay In Touch

Get Notifications about the competition by registering on the competition site.


2021 Valkyries Horn Competition

Valkyries Horn competition strives to provide entrants with the highest level of judging and feedback using experienced and high-quality judges. This premier competition is run by mead makers for mead makers. We will provide a very high level of judging for your meads, including some of the best home and commercial mead makers in the world. However, we can’t do this alone. We would encourage you to volunteer for what we know will be a very exciting event.


  • The competition judging will be held August 28th through September 18th, 2021. 
  • The competition judging will be virtual, with mini-BOS and Best of Show judging happening in person.
  • Registration will open July 8th and go until August 20th. All entries must be received by August 20th.
  • There will be an in-person Awards ceremony on September 18th.

Sign up for the competition below and we will be in touch as the competition gets closer.

News and Updates

Packaging Tips for Entrants

Here are some tips for packaging your entries for everyone shipping bottles to Valkyries Horn

Save The Date for 2022

Save the Date Valkyries Horn 2022 will take place September 9th and 10th. in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Our weekend for the competition has traditionally been the 3rd weekend of September. This year, we are holding the competition one week earlier to accommodate Mazer Cup’s new dates and location. This creates a unique opportunity for judges and…


Valkyries Horn is accepting all mead styles from the 2015 BJCP style guidelines.

Additionally, for 2021 we have a special "Healthy Hydromels" category. Check the competition entry information site for details.

Join us on Facebook to keep up to date on everything happening.

Volunteer & Registration

Find all the volunteer information and registration details on the competition management site